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Tribal MMA Fight Team
We have a young and hungry mma fight team that comes with heart and skills. Our fighters and coaching staff.
Paul Birch Head coach
Coach Vika
Connor The Higlander Birch
Connor The Higlander
Connor The Higlander
HeadinConCg 1
Ryan The Natural
Connor The Higlander Birch
Connor The Highlander
Connor The Highlander
Connor The Highlander Birch
Small Title
MitchThunder McLaren
Mitch Thunder McLaren
Mitch Thunder McLaren
Mitch Thunder McLaren
Mitch Thunder McLaren
Mitch Thunder McLaren
Mitch Thunder McLaren
Mitch Thunder McLaren
Mitch Thunder McLaren
Mitch Thunder McLaren
Professor Carlos Rocha Rocha Bjj coach
Marky Filthy Richardson getting it done at Beatdown Promotions 24th June 2023 against M Frustockl TKO 3rd round. Presented this Brown belt in Bjj by Professor Rocha Rocha.
Mitch Thunder McLaren getting the win on XFC
against Jordan Southern winning via third round
decision and getting his purple belt presented
to him in the cage by Professor Carlos Rocha Rocha
11th March 2023 Mansfield Tavern Brisbane.
Professor Gabriel Schlupp assistant in our Bjj and No Gi program for our Fight team. Professor Gabriel also Professional MMA Fighter.
Nic The Quick Brack
Ralf The Pacman Diaz Derivera
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